Views are being sought on a discussion document designed to advance industry’s role in the future of genomics in Australian healthcare.
This discussion document provides an early perspective on what the future of industry collaboration in genomics might look like, and potential priority areas for collective action. Specific views are also being sought on whether the emerging value proposition is accurate; on the proposed approach to industry collaboration; and the appetite for participating in such a collaboration in the future.
The discussion document has been developed following a cross-industry workshop, in which AusBiotech was involved, and aims to collate opinions from a broader industry representation.
The level of system change required to realise the health outcome and economic potential of genomics within Australia is unprecedented. It requires a radical rethinking of the traditional healthcare paradigm, new ways of assessing the value of diagnosis, prevention and treatment, and the large-scale sharing of health and genomic data across international borders, which is, by definition, highly personalised.
A shared understanding of these key industry-wide challenges and opportunities, and a path forward for improved collaboration, was developed during the workshop. A number of potential challenges to the successful adoption of genomics were identified, such as ensuring access to the new technologies in an economically viable way, addressing capacity and capability gaps in the genomics workforce, and raising awareness of the value.
A shared vision for the future of genomics in healthcare in Australia was also developed during the workshop and included improved patient access, experience and outcomes; significant economic and wider societal value; and Australian leadership on the global stage.
The consultation will close on 20 December 2019. Download the full discussion document, including a link to consultation questions, here: