Technology transfer expert appointed to UniQuest board

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International technology transfer expert Dr Julian Clark has been appointed to the Board of UniQuest.

UniQuest is The University of Queensland’s commercialisation company. It is 100 per cent owned by the university through UQ Holdings.

UniQuest Chairman Dr Jay Hetzel said Dr Clark has been appointed to replace former Board member Greg Brown, whose tenure came to an end last month.

“Julian Clark has a combined 40 years of international experience in governance and executive roles in the translation of biomedical and health innovations from both academic and public research,” he said.

“Dr Clark has commercialised multiple products and technologies including drugs, devices, diagnostics, processes and analytical instruments, working in senior industry positions in Europe, Asia and North America.

“Most recently, he was Head of Business Development at the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute (WEHI), where he led the commercialisation of the recently launched drug Venatoclax.”

Dr Clark’s career has included experience working with more than 20 biomedical boards, including Cancer Trials Australia, BioGrid Australia, Nexpep and Catalyst Therapeutics.

“Through his consulting company, Dr Clark has assisted more than 100 organisations in Australia with commercialisation strategies and know-how,” said Dr Hetzel.

“His extensive experience in technology transfer makes him an invaluable member of the UniQuest Board and we look forward to working with him into the future.

“I would also like to acknowledge the contribution and service of Greg Brown. Greg has served on the UniQuest Board since 2012 and helped guide the company to take advantage of some significant opportunities, such as the launch of the Queensland Emory Drug Discovery Institute (QEDDI) for small molecule drug discovery.

“Greg’s support on QEDDI has led to UniQuest’s leading role in the Medical Research Future Fund’s Biomedical Translation Bridge program.”

Dr Clark has a PhD from the University of Glasgow and was a post-doctoral fellow at the Karolinksa Institute in Stockholm. He was awarded an Honorary Doctorate from the University of South Australia and is a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Technology and Engineering following his significant contributions to research translation.