Research Australia welcomes MRFF strategy

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Research Australia has welcomed publication of Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF) Strategy, describing it as the roadmap for addressing some of Australia's biggest health issues. 

“As the organisation that has been championing health and medical research for the last 15 years, we can tell you the MRFF is a real game changer,” said Research Australia Chair, Dr Christine Bennett.

The $20 billion MRFF was announced as part of the 2014-15 Budget, funded through a raft of savings measures in the health portfolio. It is expected to deliver around $1 billion in annual funding for health and medical research from 2020. The Turnbull government has already announced $250 million in funding from the MRFF for the Biomedical Translation Fund.

Research Australia CEO, Nadia Levin, said the MRFF Strategy’s vision of a health system informed by quality research is exactly what’s needed.

“Research Australia shares the Strategy’s vision of a health system fully informed by quality health and medical research,” she said.

“By bringing transformative change to health and medical research we can produce better health outcomes, a stronger economy and a more effective and sustainable health system.”

Ms Levin said the publication of the strategy is another milestone in the establishment and operation of the MRFF.

“This is the strategy that will deliver the benefits,” she said.

“The Strategy sets a comprehensive plan for the MRFF’s initial establishment. It has the potential to bridge the gap between research and delivering real health outcomes.

“It will help bring life-saving treatments from the laboratory and into hospitals and clinics."