New Directory to promote Australian medtech companies in China


AusBiotech has this week launched the ‘AusBiotech Directory of Australian medtech companies’ (the Directory) to support small to medium-sized Australian medical devices and diagnostics companies that are seeking to engage with and in China.

Fifty Australian medtech companies that have opted to appear in the Directory, which was developed in Simplified Chinese and English by AusBiotech as part of its industry development work to support Australian medical device and diagnostics companies and promote them in China to potential partners and investors.

The online Directory will be supported by distribution in China via partner China BlueSky Partners and distributed to Chinese companies and organisations via industry bodies and Government departments in Beijing, Shanghai, Nanjing and Hong Kong.

The Directory includes companies developing orthopaedic, neurology and cardiology devices as well as oncology and other diagnostics and wound care and hospital suppliers.

China is one of the fastest-growing and remarkable medtech markets in the world. Its astonishing growth is largely attributable to the country’s increasing government spending, patients’ increased ability to afford better medical care - driven by the rapidly-increasing middle class - and an ageing population.

The Directory will support AusBiotech’s “Medical diagnostics and devices to China” project (2013 – 16), a project to promote engagement between Australian medtech companies and stakeholder in China. Both projects have received funding support from the Australian Trade Commission*, under the Asian Business Engagement (ABE) grants scheme to support engagement between China and Australia in medical technology.

The Directory can be found at:

*The views expressed herein are not necessarily the view of the Commonwealth of Australia, and the Commonwealth does not accept responsibility for any information or advice contained herein.