Minister launches new IP platform


Assistant Minister for Innovation Wyatt Roy has launched a new digital intellectual property marketplace called Source IP.

The new platform is designed to make it easier for business to access intellectual property generated by the public research sector.

Public sector investment in research is relatively strong in Australia, especially the university sector, said Mr Roy. However, the 2015 Global Innovation Index reveals low levels of collaboration between research and the private sector, an issue repeatedly identified in a serious of government-initiated reviews.

“Australia’s $9.7 billion annual public spending on research yields a research output that ranks us in the top eight in the world according to the 2015 World Economic Forum competitiveness rankings yet Australia currently ranks 25th in its capacity for innovation and commercialising ideas,” said Mr Roy.

Source IP presents us with opportunities to bridge the gap between research and innovation by strengthening collaboration between publicly funded researchers and industry to drive innovation.

Source IP, developed by IP Australia, serves as a free single portal for information sharing, licencing preferences and facilitating contact for intellectual property generated by the public research sector in Australia and directly supports the aim of putting innovation at the heart of our economic agenda.”

Australia’s 40 university commercialisation/technology transfer offices host content on Source IP along with the Commonwealth organisations ANSTO, CSIRO, DST Group and NICTA (DATA61). Australia’s Medical Research Institutes will be contributing content as part of a second wave information release in December this year.

The Commonwealth Bank of Australia, Telstra, Deloitte, Ernst and Young and KPMG along with industry bodies like the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, State Business Councils/Chambers and the State Chief Scientists are also supporting Source IP.

For more information about Source IP, go to: