Mark Butler announces $73 million for 19 medtech and facility grants

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Health minister Mark Butler has announced $73 million in grants for 19 projects to develop and implement new medical technologies or to build or upgrade facilities for cutting-edge health and medical research.

The grants include $2.9 million for a device that treats depression using closed-loop, non-invasive brain stimulation. The project will test the prototype device and develop digital infrastructure for widespread use in homes and clinics.

Almost $9.8 million will help progress Targeted Alpha Therapy. It is an investigative cancer treatment that delivers radiation directly to cancer cells to kill them, without affecting other body parts.

Another $2.9 million will support Australia’s first purpose-built human microbiome biobank. This will help researchers study how microorganisms influence our health and how they might be used to treat diseases.

Almost $4.3 million will fund a purpose-built vaccine laboratory and access to expertise to enable Australian researchers to develop and roll out new mRNA vaccines and therapies.
The 19 projects are funded under the National Critical Research Infrastructure Initiative, a 10-year, $650 million Australian Government investment from the Medical Research Future Fund.

“To pursue big ideas and find solutions to complex health problems, our researchers need world-class, state-of-the-art facilities, equipment and technology,” said Mr Butler.
“These grants fund projects that will provide the critical launchpads for researchers to discover and test better ways to prevent, diagnose and treat serious health conditions.”