AusBiotech will soon commence state-based member gatherings for end-of-year functions, to be held throughout November and December across the country – to celebrate the achievements of the Australian biotechnology industry this year.
AusBiotech will host end of year functions in New South Wales, Queensland and Western Australia. South Australia’s end of year function will be co-hosted with TechInSA for a joint end-of-year networking function and Christmas celebration, featuring elevator pitches from selected South Australian start-up companies. Victoria’s member Christmas drinks will be co-hosted by AusBiotech and the BioMelbourne Network, in what will be an important networking event for the state’s biotech industry.
Together these end-of-year functions will celebrate the year that was and provide the opportunity to connect with the local biotech industry.
AusBiotech has been pleased to support its members in 2016, and looks forward to continuing this work in the New Year.
Register now for members-only end of year functions:
- AusBiotech NSW end of year function, 24 November, to be held at Davies Collison Cave
- AusBiotech QLD end of year function, 29 November 2016, to be held at DibbsBarker
- AusBiotech WA end of year function, 1 December, to be held at KPMG
- AusBiotech and TechInSA end of year function, 13 December 2016, to be held at the Adelaide Convention Centre
- AusBiotech and BioMelbourne Network member Christmas drinks, 15 December, to be held at Little Flinders
Contact the AusBiotech events team to find out more.