AusBiotech nominates for Prostheses List advisory

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Following a request from the Department of Health, AusBiotech has this week provided nominees for appointment to one position on the reconstituted Prostheses List Advisory Committee (PLAC).

The Minister for Health and Ageing, the Hon Sussan Ley, announced reform to prostheses listing and the PLAC earlier this month. The reconstituted PLAC will be headed by former PBAC member, Professor Terry Campbell, as independent Chair.

As a nominating body, AusBiotech has made three recommendations for the Minister’s consideration, all of whom would make a valuable contribution to the PLAC as it seeks to improve assessment process and develop and advise on changes to the prostheses listing arrangements.

AusMedtech, an AusBiotech program, represents the spectrum of prosthesis developers, including Australian medical device organisations, from SMEs to large multinational organisations.

The medical technology industry in Australia, consisting of more than 500 companies, is a rapidly-advancing and innovative sector of the biotechnology industry, where physical and biological technology platforms are converging.

The criteria used by AusBiotech for assessment of candidates included, a reputation of high standing in science and the industry, an understanding of heath technology assessment and related policy and the ability to dedicate appropriate time to the role.