Anteris Technologies (ASX:AVR) has successfully performed a 'Valvein-Valve-in-Valve' procedure using the company's DurAVR.
The company said the patient, who was receiving a third valve replacement, has been successfully treated at the Karolinska University Hospital in Stockholm by Dr Andreas Rück, Dr Magnus Settergren and Dr Nawzad Saleh.
The patient had previously received a surgical valve, which failed after seven years, and was replaced by inserting a TAVR valve inside the surgical valve six years ago, but had now failed and led to the patient becoming severely debilitated due to his valve disease and in need of a viable third solution.
The heart team deemed the patient unsuitable (or at extreme risk) for surgical intervention and that a commercially available TAVR device would not benefit the patient. It was determined that Anteris' DurAVR would offer the only alternative in this case, and compassionate use approval was sought and granted. The patient has been successfully treated.
Dr Andreas Rück said, “We are impressed with the outcome in this very difficult-to-treat patient. DurAVR allowed us to treat a patient who was deemed unsuitable for surgical intervention or in fact other TAVRs. The device was easy to use and allowed us to implant the valve in a predictable way. Further, it has provided the patient with the best functioning valve since before his first valve replacement, this despite it being placed inside two other valves. We were pleased to see that the remarkable performance previously seen in native aortic stenosis and valve-in-valve even delivers in the challenging valve-in-valve-in-valve cases.”
Dr Magnus Settergren continued, “The patient had already had both a surgical valve and a TAVR placed inside the surgical valve in the past years to treat their Aortic Stenosis. Both valves had failed leaving the patient with no alternatives. The DurAVR allowed us to get a result no other available valve could offer. It worked well in a challenging environment and the patient is feeling much better. This will be an important valve, not just for native aortic stenosis but also in the complex TAVR in failed surgical valves and failed TAVR valves.”
“We are pleased that even in the most challenging settings we are giving patients viable solutions to their disease. The outcome in this difficult-to-treat setting where other therapies were deemed unsuitable is further testimony to the unique profile of DurAVR as a first-in-class biomimetic valve,” said Anteris CEO Wayne Paterson.