Admedus updates on HSV-2 vaccine programme

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Admedus (ASX:AHZ) has provided an update on its Herpes Simplex 2 (HSV-2) Phase II study for its therapeutic vaccine programme.

According to the company, participants initially enrolled in the study have now started receiving their 2nd dose of the therapeutic vaccine.

Patients are still being recruited to the study and Admedus anticipates this will be complete by mid-year, with the study on track to recruit the required number of participants.

“The study is progressing extremely well and we anticipate it will be fully enrolled in the coming weeks, with interim results scheduled for later this year. To date, the safety profile of the study has been very positive,” said Admedus CEO, Mr Lee Rodne.

Approximately 25 per cent of the target study numbers have successfully received their initial dose of the HSV-2 therapeutic vaccine, the company said.

“The first study participants have now received their second dose of the vaccine. Currently 70% of the required study participants have either begun screening or received their initial dosing regimen, so we’re on track,” said Mr Rodne.

The Admedus HSV-2 therapeutic vaccine is based on a platform technology initially developed by Professor Ian Frazer. The technology is designed to enable, boost and support the body to fight against diseases, such as HSV-2.

The study will include administering each study participant with three monthly intra-dermal injections, followed by a fourth injection 6 months after the initial dose.

The primary objective of the study is to explore both the safety of the therapeutic vaccine in people with HSV-2 and assess efficacy through evaluating changes in T-cell counts, HSV-2 viral shedding and viral load.

Admedus anticipates releasing interim data towards the end of 2015.