Add your story to the 30 success stories


AusBiotech had begun publishing ‘30 success stories in 30 days’ on its website, and you are invited to add your story. Read the first instalments of the stories about companies, people and products that have contributed to the success of the sector:

(1/30) CSL Limited: As AusBiotech commences its ‘30 success stories in 30 days’ to celebrate 30 years since AusBiotech was founded as the Australian Biotechnology Association; it is fitting to pay homage to Australia’s largest and best-known biotechnology company CSL.

(2/30) Spinifex Pharmaceuticals: As the second instalment of '30 success stories in 30 days' read about how Spinifex delivered what was described in July 2015 as the biggest deal on record in biotech and most successful venture capital exit in Australia’s history.

(3/30) Emeritus Professor Nancy F Millis: The third instalment remembers the contribution to biotechnology of the truly remarkable Nancy Millis AC (1922 – 2012), who was not only an extraordinary woman and pioneer of early Australian biotechnology, but a Life Member of AusBiotech.

‘30 success stories in 30 days’ started in 1 February and will reach a crescendo on 1 March 2016 with the launch of the 30th anniversary historic edition of the journal, Australasian Biotechnology.

Help us document the past 30 years, with your stories about companies, people and products, and old photos of members or events are welcome too. Please send them to Chief Industry Affairs Officer, Lorraine Chiroiu ( or call 0429 801 118).

This year will see a range of activities to celebrate the occasion, including a special edition of the journal, a gala luncheon event mid-year, the International BioFest 2016 in October - the largest ever gathering of life sciences in Australia.

AusBiotech marked 30 years since the industry organisation was founded as the Australian Biotechnology Association (ABA) on 28 December 2015. Fifteen years later (and fifteen years ago) in May 2001, the ABA became AusBiotech, after a vote at the 2000 AGM determined that the association should become an industry organisation.