A new level of global insight and perspective will be offered this week at AusBiotech + Invest 2020, as Australia’s largest life sciences conference assembles virtually for biotech’s biggest week of the year.
The premier event - run by industry, for industry – is bringing together more than 650 industry leaders, investors, researchers, clinicians and regulatory representatives from 20 countries to hear more than 100 inspiring thought leaders from across the globe, in 40 sessions, at the largest annual biotech gatherings for the Australian life science industry.
Global speakers include: Dr Michelle McMurry-Heath, President & CEO, Biotechnology Innovation Organisation (BIO), United States; Janet Lynch Lambert, CEO, Alliance for Regenerative Medicine (ARM) United States; Dr Reza Halse, President, MRL Ventures Fund, United States; Dr Niels Emmerich, Vice President and Global Head, Search and Evaluation, AbbVie, Inc, United States; Dr Barbara Sosnowski, VP and Global Head of Emerging Science and Innovation Leads, Pfizer Worldwide R&D, United States; and Alison Finger, Chief Commercial Officer, bluebird bio, United States.
Recognising, celebrating and advancing Australian innovation, national speakers include: Professor Paul Young, Professor of Virology and Head of School, School of Chemistry and Molecular Biosciences, University of Queensland; Paul Brennan, Managing Director, PolyNovo Limited; Dr Jackie Fairley AO, Chair, Invest Victoria & Chief Executive Officer, Starpharma Holdings; Dr Craig Rayner, President, Integrated Drug Development, Certara; Professor Tanya Monro, Chief Defence Scientist, Department of Defence Science and Technology, Australian Government; Dr Rob Grenfell, Health Director, Health & Biosecurity, CSIRO; and Professor Sharon Lewin AO, Director, The Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity.
Keynotes, panel discussions and key themes will cover: The global biotech response to COVID-19; Australia’s life sciences industry uniting through COVID-19; medtech and digital health; clinical trials; global pharma talks: search, evaluation and venture investment; the business of biotech; regenerative medicine and cell therapies; therapeutics and personalised medicine; regulatory innovation; and health meets agriculture.
The AusBiotech and Johnson & Johnson Innovation Industry Excellence Awards 2020 will recognise and celebrate life science leaders who are championing the sector and the Australian community through the worst pandemic and greatest collaboration seen in the sector, with four new Award categories: COVID19 life science sector innovation award; COVID19 life science sector collaboration award; COVID19 communication leaders’ award; and the Industry’s choice award. The winners of the Awards will be announced on Thursday, with delegates then voting for their choice; the Industry’s Choice Award will be announced at the conference closing on Friday.
Despite the volatility and challenging market brought upon us by the pandemic, Australia’s biotechnology industry presents a compelling opportunity for investors and international partners. AusBiotech + Invest 2020 will include an investment showcase, including its leading Australia Biotech Invest & Partnering annual event, and an Early Stage Investment Forum.
Private and publicly-funded companies will take centre-stage and present to an audience of investors to make meaningful connections, and early-stage projects will receive direct feedback on their pitches from an expert panel of investors.
Company spotlights include Australian private and publicly listed companies: Prescient Therapeutics (ASX:PTX); AdAlta (ASX:1AD); Anatara Lifescienes (ASX:ANR); Noxopharm Limited (ASX:NOX); NeuroScientific Biopharmaceuticals (ASX:NSB); OncoSil Medical (ASX:OSL); Optiscan Imaging (ASX:OIL); LBT Innovations (ASX:LBT); ResApp Health (ASX:RAP); TruScreen Ltd (NSX:TRU); Microba; Nirtek; HalleyAssist; Macuject; Bondi Bio; Carina Biotech; HaemaLogiX Pty., Ltd; Nutritional Growth Solutions; and Tekcyte. A Korean Biotech Company Showcase will also feature 10 companies and their technologies.
Driving our industry strongly forward, the virtual conference includes a live and interactive three-day multi-stream AusBiotech + Invest 2020 programme, one-to-one partnering, and online exhibition. On-demand access also allows delegates to return and view conference programme sessions, exhibition, sponsors and retrieve notes taken during AusBiotech + Invest 2020.
The event that has been known and trusted for 35 years will lift the profile of the Australian biotechnology industry, share new and ground-breaking knowledge, connect companies, and create access to greater funding sources for companies to develop world-class science into therapies, diagnostics and medical devices.
AusBiotech + Invest 2020 is supported by the Victorian Government as State Host Partner.
Engage, no matter where you are. Register for AusBiotech + Invest 2020 here.