New AusBiotech Board fit for the era


In an era of innovation commercialisation, the latest election to AusBiotech’s Board of Directors, Dr Marthe D’Ombrain (Head of Global Research Innovation, CSL), was announced at today’s Annual General Meeting and brings appropriate skills and experience to support the growth of the industry.

AusBiotech has also farewelled two important Directors, Dr Jan Tennent, the founder and principal of ConnectBio, and Dr Serge Scrofani, the vice president of strategy and corporate development at CSL.

Dr Marthe D’Ombrain brings experience encompassing research, commercialisation, licensing, strategy, business development, project management, partnerships, and fundraising.

Marthe has worked in the life sciences sector for over 20 years and has extensive leadership experience across industry and academia, both locally and internationally. She plays a key role in building and diversifying CSL’s global R&D portfolio, and has championed the establishment of an early-stage fund – the CSL Research Acceleration Initiative – that establishes partnerships between CSL and global research organisations and invests in promising discoveries to accelerate translation and fast-track the development of innovative biotherapies to address unmet patient needs.

Recently, Marthe has been involved in establishing a new biomedical incubator that will be located at CSL’s new global corporate headquarters in the world-leading Melbourne Biomedical Precinct. The incubator will support Australian and international start-up companies to translate promising medical research into commercial outcomes.

AusBiotech Chair, Geoffrey Kempler, said, “On behalf of the AusBiotech Board, I am delighted to welcome Dr Marthe D’Ombrain. Her perspective, experience and passion to support biotech companies across the pipeline aligns with AusBiotech’s vision and mission as we work to foster a growing, strong and profitable biotech industry in Australia.”

“I also extend my sincere thanks to Dr Jan Tennent, ConnectBio, and Dr Serge Scrofani, CSL, for their service and considered guidance and advice throughout their tenures. Jan has retired from the AusBiotech Board after five years of dedicated service. As Chair of our Remuneration and Nomination Committee, Jan has been instrumental in developing and driving a range of processes, and pivotal in the governance of AusBiotech. Serge has retired after three years’ service to the Board, where he contributed via the Remuneration and Nomination Committee.”

The new AusBiotech Board lineup, effective today, includes:

  • Geoffrey Kempler, Chair, Alterity Therapeutics;
  • Dr Megan Baldwin, Managing Director and CEO, Opthea;
  • Lorraine Chiroiu, CEO, AusBiotech;
  • Serg Duchini, Non-Executive Director, ESFAM Biotech;
  • Dr Dean Moss, CEO, UniQuest;
  • Linda Peterson, Chief Operating Officer and Company Secretary, BioCurate;
  • Dr James Campbell, CEO, Patrys; and
  • Dr Marthe D’Ombrain, Head of Global Research Innovation, CSL.