New Alliance to drive increased procurement of homegrown medtech

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The Australian Medtech Manufacturing Alliance has been established with the goal of growing opportunities for medtech manufacturers to sell to health services.

The alliance is a partnership between BioMelbourne Network, AusBiotech, MTPConnect, the Australian Manufacturing Technology Institute, and the Industry Capability Network Victoria. It has been established with seed funding from the Victorian Government.

The alliance is creating a unified industry voice and will advocate on behalf of Victorian small—to medium-sized medtech manufacturers on the key issues impacting the sector. These issues include addressing procurement issues to increase the proportion of locally made medtech in the Australian healthcare system.

BioMelbourne Network CEO and alliance lead Karen Parr, CEO, said, “Australia is home to world-class medtech innovators and manufacturers. Increasing awareness of these companies and growing local content in health, will support Australian health services to continue to deliver world-leading care and strengthen our country’s sovereign capabilities.

“The Victorian pilot aims to demonstrate the potential of this ambitious and important solutions-focused Alliance, and work as a stepping stone to empower the national agenda.”

Victorian Government’s Minister for Jobs and Industry, Natalie Hutchins, said, “Victoria is the national leader for medtech innovation. A thriving and sustainable medtech sector is essential to ensuring Victoria can continue to deliver world-leading health care now and into the future."

Unlike other sectors, such as defence, no mechanism across the state or country that helps local medtech manufacturers sell into the Australian health system exists.

Other international jurisdictions have clear pathways that support local medtech manufacturers in winning customers in their home market. For early-stage Australian medtech manufacturers, who are often exporting to other well-established health markets, having a home market customer is an important proof point.

The alliance has invited established Victorian companies currently manufacturing medtech products and selling locally or globally, as well as contract manufacturing and development companies, to participate.