On the back of last week’s launch of the MTPConnect Draft 10-year Sector Competitiveness Plan, the industry growth centre for medical technologies and pharmaceuticals (MTP) has opened its $15.6 million grant program with project guidelines and the ‘expressions of interest’ form now available.
MTPConnect is seeking collaborative, industry-led projects through a dollar-for-dollar matched Project Fund Program from consortia, large and small, to creatively address some of the barriers to growth, aligned with the Sector Competitiveness Plan.
MTPConnect says: “We want to invest in big, bold ideas to improve the productivity, competitiveness and innovative capacity of the medical technologies and pharmaceuticals sector. We want to deliver results on a national scale that have sector-wide impact, including for SMEs.”
Expressions of Interest (EOI) in the form of 10-page proposals are sought by 31 August 2016 with funds granted 30 September 2016.
Download the Draft 10-year Sector Competitiveness Plan and the guidelines.