MTPConnect will lead a delegation to attend The MedTech Conference (formerly AdvaMed) September 25 – 27, 2017 San Jose, California, to showcase Australia’s outstanding innovative medtech companies and build invaluable inroads into international markets.
The annual global event provides those in the medical technology sector with an opportunity to connect with thousands of international professionals on policy, innovation, business development and investment. Delegates will receive promotion, including: in Australian mission booklet; via the MTPConnect Australian stand; and benefit from the Australia presentation in the International Lounge.
The MedTech Conference agenda includes medtech development courses, to ‘unplugged’ executive insights, innovator showcases, cyber security, international regulations, and plenary sessions ranging from global health, innovation, and patient impact. The line-up of conference sponsors includes Johnson & Johnson, EY, Medtronic, and Stryker.
Australia boasts over 500 medtech companies, has some truly impressive success stories, and is set to play a significant role in developing advanced devices, diagnosis equipment, and technology platforms internationally.
Some State Governments such as South Australia are offering to travel grants to companies wishing to attend The MedTech Conference - those interested are advised to contact their state governments to discuss any travel support available.
Coordination is vital to ensure our ongoing growth and success, and MTPConnect’s mission is to increase connectivity and collaboration, coordinate activities and increase information exchange between the sector, with the aim of increasing commercialisation of innovative products.
MTP Connect says it is “incredibly excited to be leading this fantastic opportunity to showcase Australia’s talent and assist businesses with international growth.”
The growth initiative is looking for additional opportunities for promotion at the event and will circulate details to interested parties in the coming weeks.
To express interest in taking part, please contact '' or visit the MTPConnect website.