Minomic updates on Miltuximab trial

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Immuno-oncology company Minomic International has completed enrolment and dosing of all 12 patients in its clinical trial of Miltuximab.

Miltuximab is a chimeric version of the company's MIL-38 anti-Glypican 1 antibody conjugated to the radioactive isotope 67Gallium.

Minomic specialises in therapeutics and diagnostics for solid tumours, including prostate, bladder and pancreas. 

The trial is a first-in-human study to evaluate the safety and tumour targeting of Miltuximab in patients with metastatic prostate, bladder, and pancreatic cancer.

The primary endpoint of the MILGa trial is safety and tolerability of Miltuximab. Secondary endpoints include tumour targeting, pharmacokinetics and dosimetry to determine relative accumulation of Miltuximab in different organs.

According to the company, all patients have now been dosed and we Miltuximab was well tolerated with patients reporting no drug-related adverse events.

Minomic’s CEO, Dr Brad Walsh, said, “These results will inform the future development of the drug and most importantly the next step, progression to a Phase 1 trial in Australia. Each phase in this process enhances the attractiveness of the company to potential partners.”