Join the survey of Australian medical countermeasures


The Australian life sciences industry is invited to assist in the 2017 National Capability Audit for the Medical Countermeasures (MCM) Initiative, to survey and understand Australia’s capability and capacity to support research and development for MCM products.

Examples of medical countermeasures include vaccines, therapeutics and diagnostics used to combat chemical, biological or radiological threats, pandemics and spread of infectious diseases.

An initial audit in 2012 showed Australia was home to a small, but internationally networked medical technology, biotechnology and pharmaceutical sector with pockets of MCM development excellence, however, there is a distinct need for Australia to develop these capabilities.

Australia has historically relied on the goodwill of its allies, but Australia’s geographic isolation; unique regional and endemic disease profile; and the increase in global instability highlights our need to be strategic about our national preparedness.

To meet these challenges, the audit seeks to gather information that will help an MCM Business Plan under the Defence Department’s Next Generation Technology Fund (NGTF). It will build an understanding of Australia’s MCM assets, capabilities and capacities and will investigate how the medtech, biotech and pharmaceutical sector has changed since the last audit.

The results of this 2012 survey leveraged $7 million in funding to support a number of collaborative projects and provided evidence for MCM products to be included in the NGTF.

The survey takes between 15-45 minutes to complete and the audit closes on Monday 10 April 2017. Selected respondents will be approached and invited to a follow-up interview to discuss active participation in the MCM Initiative.

The audit is being undertaken by the Defence Science and Technology Group (DST Group) in collaboration with d3 Medicine, a Certara Company.

Access the survey is available here or find out more.