Join Australian delegation to CES 2017 Digital Health Summit

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Following the successful application for funding from MTPConnect and the establishment of the national digital health initiative by a consortium led by the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute, Australian companies with an interest in digital health to attend the world’s largest technology event CES 2017 and the CES Digital Health Summit.

Depending on the number of individuals interested in attending, the Consumer Technology Association have offered those affiliated with this delegation:

  • Free registration to CES
  • Guided floor tour of relevant exhibits (health and medical, Internet of Things) by CTA; and
  • Invitations to VIP receptions with Tech CEOs.

CES runs from 5-8 January, which leads directly into the JP Morgan Healthcare Conference (9-13 January 9-13). There is also a StartupHealth Satellite on 9-10 January and the Health 2.0 WinterTech event running in parallel to JP Morgan.

Further activities may be made available such as site visits to US institutions.

Those interested in attending the CES conference and Digital Health Summit in 2017 should contact no later than Friday 25 November.