Industry leaders to develop ESG framework


AusBiotech is seeking expressions of interest from senior members who are passionate about environmental, social and governance (ESG) reporting to join a working group, as part of AusBiotech’s expanded offering of investment attraction initiatives.

The development of a biotech industry-specific ESG resource will ensure it meets the needs of our diverse sector – especially companies in the early stages of their ESG journey.

AusBiotech understands that this responsible approach to doing business has long been a priority for the life sciences sector, with ethical considerations codified in many aspects of industry operation and regulation.

Explicit consideration of ESG issues has entered public and corporate narratives in recent years, where investors are increasingly evaluating opportunities using ESG criteria, and expectations have significantly increased for companies to clearly and publicly articulate approaches to ESG accountability.

While ESG reporting is not yet mandatory in Australia, there are varied approaches to mapping and responding to ESG issues. AusBiotech has identified an opportunity to proactively build capabilities within Australian biotech companies, develop some industry-specific guidelines and considerations, and ultimately position Australian companies as progressive, prepared, and highly-attractive to responsible investors.

The working group is seeking the following industry expertise:

  • Investors or funds with an interest in ESG;
  • CEO or Board Chair of a listed or dual listed biotech, medtech and life sciences company;
  • CEO or Executive Director of a pre-revenue company;
  • Non-Executive Director of a medtech, pharma or biotech company;
  • Peak industry bodies representing members from the investment community, superannuation funds, compliance, regulatory and legal sectors; and,
  • Service providers with significant experience in developing ESG mapping or assessment tools, policies, strategies, reporting frameworks (e.g. preferably with clients in the life sciences and biotech sectors).

To submit an expression of interest to join AusBiotech’s ESG working group, please contact Lisa Renkin, Director of Investment by Thursday 1 September 2022.