Expressions of interest from industry leaders are sought to join AusBiotech’s new expert forum to drive the development of the industry’s Biotech Blueprint, the sector’s decadal framework.
As the national voice of the Australian biotech industry, AusBiotech is leading the development of the strategy and is seeking key industry leaders that are representative of its various facets, to share their experience and knowledge to ensure a valuable, visionary and dynamic plan.
AusBiotech’s Biotech Blueprint is an opportunity for the industry to speak with one voice to governments, identifying key policy priorities that can deliver benefits both for the industry and for the nation as a whole.
The six draft goals that will underpin and drive industry growth through to 2030, and the metrics that will tell us how we are progressing, are being finalised after broad consultation in 2020. As the plan is progressed through 2021, AusBiotech aims to provoke discussion and debate in the steps that should be taken in the near-term to ensure that biotech’s positive future is realised and to reflect what a vibrant and valuable Australian biotech industry could and should look like a decade from now.
Playing a critical role in the pandemic response, biotech is at the forefront and there has never been a more important time to plan for the future. This is, therefore, a valuable opportunity for the Industry to put forward a clear and ambitious plan for the future. If Australia is to build on the critical mass that has been established to date, strong alignment between industry and government over the coming decade will be key.
The Expert Forum will meet on an ‘as needed’ basis. Expressions of interest from AusBiotech Members can be sent to Lorraine Chiroiu, CEO, AusBiotech.