How advanced manufacturing will drive the future of biotech, pharmaceuticals and medtech


The future of innovation-driven advanced manufacturing will be explored at the Advanced Manufacturing Summit 2016, to be held from 15-16 November in Sydney.

Advanced manufacturing is the engine powering the future of our dynamic, constantly changing world and will have a vital role to play in innovative industries, such as biotechnology, pharmaceuticals and medical devices. Founded upon the fundamental tenet of continuous improvement, advanced manufacturing facilitates the creation of more reliable and affordable products, products that address pressing societal issues, advanced robotics, automation and high performance computing.

Leveraging Australia’s competitive advantage in manufacturing

Australia’s strong, competitive advantage in manufacturing will translate well to advanced manufacturing, where cutting-edge technology can transform the economy by developing more sustainable, knowledge-intensive, high-value, globally competitive industries and companies.

Dr Jens Goennemann, Managing Director of the Advanced Manufacturing Growth Centre (AMGC), will deliver a keynote presentation outlining the AMGC’s vision for a competitive, dynamic and thriving Australian advanced manufacturing sector that is critical to the long-term health of the economy and the nation.

Discover how AMGC seeks to leverage Australia’s competitive advantage by building world-class capabilities in small and medium manufacturers and collaborating with promising enterprises, Australia’s best researchers and government.

From motors to mice: high-value manufacturing

In a joint session, experts from the automotive industry will explore how global best practices can be adapted and leveraged to reduce cost and increase productivity. Managing Director of McLean Management Consultants, Michael McLean, will apply automotive strategies to advanced manufacturing in biotechnology, focussing on balancing the interests of stakeholders, managing processes and developing sustainment strategies. He will be joined by Maya Koentgen, Research & Finance Manager, Ozgene and Bede Boyle, Manufacturship Group Chairman.

Visit the Advanced Manufacturing Summit website to register and find more.