There is still time to have your say on the sector’s draft Biotechnology Blueprint: A Decadal Strategy for the Australian Biotechnology Industry – a plan by the industry for the industry.
AusBiotech will host roundtables in February, and warmly invites expressions of interest from C-suite across the membership as it seeks to finalise this critical plan. The invitation roundtables will ‘deep dive’ into topics raised in the Biotechnology Blueprint’s development. Specifically:
- Commercialisation: 9 February 10.00am – 12.00pm (two-part: early and late. Includes proof of concept fund)
- Capital and growth: 16 February 9.30am – 11.00am
- Sovereign Capability: 22 February 10.00am – 11.00am
In addition, AusBiotech seeks feedback from the entire sector on any part of the Blueprint and has also posed specific consultation questions, regarding:
- The scope of the Blueprint: accuracy and appropriateness;
- Capital and growth: VC, superannuation, tactics to lift commercialisation, international models;
- Sovereign capability: increasing domestic toxicology capability, manufacturing, talent and skills development;
- Metrics and data: importance, appropriateness, and priority;
- Agricultural biotechnology: suitability of approach;
- Sustainability: sector-wide sustainability framework (Environmental, Social and Governance framework); and,
- Proof of concept fund: effectiveness, size, and global examples.
More than 200 stakeholders and organisations have contributed to the plan’s development to date, which charts an ambitious pathway to how the biotech industry can help solve problems and generate the long-term economic growth and social capital that will be needed as we emerge from the current pandemic.
For the first time in 20 years, we have created a shared industry-developed vision for the next decade. The plan includes three goals, each with two sub-goals, which have helped define the substantive strategies, objectives, and ‘drills down’ to specific tactics that will drive and shape the biotechnology industry’s growth through to 2032 and beyond. The Blueprint responds to well-articulated, stubborn issues that the industry has grappled with for years, and presents a solutions-based approach.
The entire biotech sector is warmly invited to comment by 7 February 2022. The draft Blueprint and consultation paper can be found here.
To submit feedback on the draft Biotechnology Blueprint, or to request a Word version for tracking, please contact AusBiotech ( 03 9828 1400). To express your interest in the member roundtables email