The WA State Government recently announced an innovative programme – the Co-Funding Partnerships Program (Co-FFP) – that aims to provide an avenue for researchers or organisations to co-fund and support health and medical research programmes to improve the health and wellbeing of Western Australians.
The Co-FFP is an initiative of the WA State Government's Future Health Research and Innovation (FHRI) Fund, which provides funding to support health and medical research and innovation projects. Applicants can submit expressions of interest to the FHRI Fund for contributions between $500k to $1 million per annum, and the FHRI Fund contribution must be at least matched in cash by the applicant.
A key aim of the programme is to build and foster collaboration between the State Government and industry that will drive to increase the capacity and capability of WA health and medical researchers and innovators.
WA State Government Medical Research and Innovation and ICT Minister the Hon. Stephen Dawson MLC said: "We are looking to form strategic funding partnerships to help drive positive health outcomes for the Western Australian community. The program has been designed to provide a mechanism for funding partners to co-fund FHRI Fund research and innovation activities that are working toward common goals. The Co-Funding Partnership Program will increase the funding available for health and medical research and innovation of benefit to WA by enabling collaboration between partners with a shared vision."
Previous 2021/2022 AusBiotech member recipients of other programmes and initiatives under this Fund include, Linear Clinical Research, The University of Western Australia, Curtin University, and the Telethon Kids Institute.
The Co-FPP is continuously open so that new partnerships can be established at any time. To find out more information about the programme and eligibility criteria, click here.