AusBiotech is seeking member feedback as it responds to the Department of Health’s Review of the National Medicines Policy (NMP).
This Review will support a refresh of the NMP as a high-level policy framework, rather than reviewing the activities and programmes aimed at delivering the policy, to ensure that the changes in the health system environment are addressed, and where applicable, the policy updated to take account of these changes. It aims to deliver positive health outcomes for all Australians through their access to, and appropriate use of, medicines.
AusBiotech members are invited to share their views and discuss the Review in an informal zoom conversation with AusBiotech CEO Lorraine Chiroiu at 3.00 pm, Tuesday 28 September.
Commissioned by the Minister for Health, the Hon. Greg Hunt MP, the review is in recognition of the substantial changes to the health landscape since the policy was published in 2000, including expanding innovation technologies, improved health outcomes, digital transformations, and a more coordinated patient voice.
The terms of reference include:
- evaluation of the current NMP objectives and determining whether these should be modified or additional objectives included;
- considering the definition of medicines and whether the NMP needs to be expanded to include health technologies;
- assessing the NMP’s utility in the context of rapidly evolving treatments options, population changes, interconnected relationships and system-wide capacities;
- identifying options to improve the NMP’s governance; communications, implementation (including enablers) and evaluation; and,
- reviewing the NMP partners and provide options for building greater accountability including addressing conflicts of interest.
Read the Department of Health’s discussion paper.
The consultation closes on Friday 8 October 2021; AusBiotech members are invited to RSVP for the informal zoom with Lorraine Chiroiu here.