AusBiotech is seeking feedback on a recently released issues paper aimed at progressing the implementation of Gene Technology Scheme recommendations. It focuses on progressing three key priorities related to definitions, risk proportionate regulation, and streamlining regulation.
Implementing Recommendations of the Third Review of the Gene Technology Scheme: Phase 1 (the issues paper) builds on the extensive input already provided through stakeholder submissions. AusBiotech responded to the third review of the Scheme that was conducted by all Australian governments in 2017-18. The Final Report on the third review was released in October 2018 and included 27 recommendations.
The Gene Technology Scheme aims to provide a nationally consistent regulatory system for gene technology to protect the health and safety of Australia’s environment and people. The intergovernmental Gene Technology Agreement requires that reviews of the Scheme are undertaken regularly.
AusBiotech is considering responding to the issues paper and would like to hear feedback from members with an interest in this paper. Please contact Andrew Mosley, Director, Policy and Programmes with your views and comments.
Future consultations will use the feedback provided through this process to explore proposed solutions and options for change.