Consultations underway on Australia’s innovation plan to 2030

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Consultation is now open on the Australian government's Innovation and Science Australia’s 2030 Strategic Plan Issues Paper.

Innovation and Science Australia is developing a 2030 Strategic Plan to help guide its investment in the Australian innovation, science and research system.

The Strategic Plan will aim to contribute to the wellbeing and prosperity of all Australians by ensuring that Australia reaches its innovation potential.

Innovation and Science Australia has released an Issues Paper that nominates six challenges identified as central to shaping the strategy. It suggests themes and questions for discussion.

The challenges are: Moving more firms, in more sectors, closer to the innovation frontier; moving, and keeping, Government closer to the innovation frontier; delivering high-quality and relevant education and skills development for Australians throughout their lives; maximising the engagement of our world class research system with end users; maximising advantage from international knowledge, talent and capital; and, bold, high-impact initiatives.

Submissions are open until 31 May 2017. Submission can be made via the Consultation Hub.