Bright ideas are wanted as the Biosecurity Innovation Program opens its expressions of interest, and seeks innovative technologies and approaches to keep Australia disease and pest free.
Now in its fourth year, the Federal Government’s $5.6 million annual program is seeking bright ideas on diagnostics, screening and surveillance, automation, data and intelligence, risk analysis, and communication and collaboration, to enhance the capacity of our national biosecurity system.
The program is open to industry, including start-ups, innovators, research institutes, and the Australian community, and industry.
“Australia exports food, fibre and forestry products to markets all over the world, but our ability to reach these markets hinges on our country remaining disease and pest free,” said Minister David Littleproud, Minister for Agriculture and Northern Australia.
Technologies previously invested in include: developing a risk assessment model for avian influenza; DNA testing in cows to address antimicrobial resistance; high-throughput sequencing to expand our diagnostic capability and deliver faster, more accurate results for plant viruses; and implementation of human health reporting digitisation and mobile passport reader projects in Australian airports.
Submit your idea to the Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment by 3 December 2021.