Bayer backs emerging CV researchers

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The Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand (CSANZ) has announced a three-year collaboration agreement with Bayer to facilitate the growth and success of cardiovascular research in the region.

The partnership will involve funding by Bayer for four grants per year, including two competitive research grants, to support new cardiovascular research talent.

Applications for the first round of CSANZ-Bayer Young Investigator Research Grants open today.

Professor Mark Webster, President of CSANZ, said: “CSANZ is dedicated to enhancing the quality of care for patients with cardiovascular disease. We are particularly committed to supporting our young researchers and future leaders in the field of cardiovascular medicine. We welcome our new partnership with Bayer to further enable us to achieve this goal.”

The CSANZ-Bayer Young Investigator Research Grants of up to $50,000 will be awarded to two early career researchers in Australia or New Zealand. Applicants will be required to be six years or less post-award of PhD or a postgraduate qualification and be affiliated with an academic/scientific institution or national health care system. 

Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death and disease burden in Australia and New Zealand. To help towards addressing this burden and improving patient outcomes, it is expected that the CSANZ-Bayer Young Investigator Research Grants will result in publishable data within 18 to 24 months from the award.

According to Nelson Ambrogio, general manager of Bayer Pharmaceuticals Australia and New Zealand, “Bayer is proud to be actively involved in supporting the health and wellbeing of all Australians and New Zealanders. A big part of this is facilitating ground breaking scientific research to improve patient outcomes in the future. Collaborations are extremely important in achieving this and we are excited to be partnering with CSANZ over the next three years to foster new talent and cardiovascular research.”

Applications open today and close 14 May 2018. 

All grant applications will be reviewed by the CSANZ Scientific Committee and winners will be announced on Saturday 4 August at the CSANZ 66th Annual Scientific Meeting in Brisbane QLD Australia. More information is available online.