AusBiotech cohosts Quantum Meets Health workshop


The workshop, in partnership with Australia’s Chief Scientist Dr Cathy Foley, aims to accelerate the take-up of and build the demand for quantum technologies in Australia’s health sciences sector.

Initiated by Dr Cathy Foley, and presented in partnership with AusBiotech, CSIRO, Queensland Government, TAFE Queensland and QUBIC, the full day Quantum Meets Health workshop will host industry and research leaders on Thursday 5 September in Brisbane, Queensland.

The workshop will include panel sessions with representatives from across the healthcare, quantum and life sciences industries, including academia, government, service providers, and consumer groups, breakout sessions, and an update on quantum funding opportunities. The sessions will explore themes such as the role of quantum in drug discovery, diagnosis, medical imaging, optimisation of supply chains, big data, and cybersecurity.

With the emergence of the quantum industry, Australian businesses must ensure they are prepared for the impact of quantum technology in their sector to maximise the opportunities it presents and build the demand.

In 2024, the ‘Quantum Meets…’ event series introduces the quantum opportunity to sectors across the Australian economy, bringing business, government, and researchers together to identify industry challenges that quantum could address and define the problems that need attention. The series also aims to accelerate the uptake of quantum technologies in Australia’s economy

Quantum technologies offer unparalleled new solutions to challenges encountered by a broad range of industry sectors.

The Office of the Chief Scientist noted in its communications, “Australian businesses should act early to understand potential impacts on their sector from emerging quantum technology – both in terms of how it can enhance Australia’s competitive advantage, but also to gauge critical shifts in the competitive landscape as competitors invest in quantum solutions.”

Interested in learning more about the intersection of quantum and biotechnology?  Register for the AusBiotech 2024 National Conference to hear from Philipp Ernst, Vice President of Quantum Solutions & Business Development, PsiQuantum, who will present the keynote ‘Fault tolerant quantum computing: Hardware, algorithms and their applications in biotech’, highlighting PsiQuantum’s roadmap to deliver the world’s first utility-scale quantum computer in Australia. Register here: