AAMRI announces new Director of Strategy and Operations  

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Dr Peter Thomas has been appointed the new Director of Policy and Operations at the Association of Australian Medical Research Institutes (AAMRI).

Dr Thomas is currently the Research Manager at the Australian Academy of Science, where he has worked in policy and research positions for the past four years. He has extensive experience in science, research and health policy, and was most recently a co-author of the Australian Council of Learned Academies 'Review of Australia’s Research Training System'.

“I have always had great respect for AAMRI," said Dr Thomas. "It is influential and listened to by both governments and stakeholders across Australia, and I know it is greatly valued by its members. I am looking forward to working with AAMRI’s members to deliver positive policy outcomes for health and medical research in Australia.”

He will commence in his new role on 4 July, allowing a handover from incumbent Dr Nicole den Elzen.

Dr den Elzen is departing AAMRI after accepting a new senior position at Baker IDI Heart & Diabetes Institute, as Executive General Manager of Research Strategy and Operations in mid-July.

"It goes without saying that Nicole will be sorely missed at AAMRI, but will be a valuable asset to the Baker, and we’re glad to see her staying in the sector," said AAMRI.